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Crafting Lead Generating Websites For 
HIGH-LEVEL Small Business Owners.

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Your Website Should 

  • Actively Create Leads
  • Differentiate You From Competitors
  • Increase Your Visibility.
  • Improve Your Reputation

Website Design for

Small Business Owners

Your Website Should Be Your Best Employee

Our mission is crafting dynamic websites for Small Business Owners that enhance visibility and attract more clients. Our unique blend of design and marketing expertise allows us to create a website that stands out and resonates with your ideal clients.

  • Struggling to convert visitors into leads and sales
  • Little to no visitors are experiencing your website
  • You're not being positioned as the authority in your industry
  • Visitors are not finding important information quickly
  • Your excellent services/products are missing or hard to find
  • Awesome reviews from your customers are not displayed for all to see
  1. Is your current website not living up to its potential? Here are some common problems we can help you solve:
  2. Is your website out-of-date or lackluster?
  3. Does your messaging fail to connect with your target clients?
  4. Are you missing compelling calls to action that guide your visitors?
  5. Does your site not truly represent your individuality or specialty?
  6. Do your pages take too long to load, especially on mobile devices?

If you can relate to any of the above, I’ll solve these problems for you by crafting a modern website which positions you as the authority, attracts qualified visitors to leads and builds your trust and reputation to grow your business.

A Small Business website creates value By

  • The Small Business website creates value by making it easy for visitors to become leads with the help of prominent booking forms. This facilitates easy communication and reduces the time taken to book a session, providing a smooth experience for prospective patients1.

  • It provides critical trust signals for your target audience, such as certifications, testimonials, and a physical address. These elements increase credibility and help prospective patients feel more confident about choosing your services1.

  • The website highlights your experience and credentials as a therapist and allows prospective patients to browse your services. This offers them a comprehensive understanding of your expertise and the kind of help they can expect to receive from you1.

  • Displaying reviews and testimonials from your clients on the website creates social proof, helping prospective patients trust your services more. Positive feedback from previous patients can significantly influence the decision-making process of new clients1.

  • The therapist website helps differentiate your practice from your competitors. By showcasing your unique approaches, methodologies, or specialties, it can help attract patients who are specifically looking for what you offer1.

  • It helps attract more traffic and convert them into patients through search engine optimization and content marketing. This widens your reach and brings in more prospective patients who are actively seeking therapy services1.

  • The website builds trust and authority through high-quality photos of your services. Visual elements can give potential patients a better sense of your practice and help them feel more connected and engaged1.

  • It allows potential clients to find and download important information about your practice. This convenience and transparency can significantly improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of them choosing your services.

  • The website provides resources to help potential patients research their options and determine the best fit for their therapy needs. This empowers patients in their decision-making process and demonstrates your commitment to their well-being.

Bryan A Waters, OWNER

Bryan A. Waters is the founder, owner, and CEO of Digital Media DFY, an online web design & marketing agency. As a Digital Marketing Specialist, his core goal is to help businesses, particularly brick-and-mortar ones, to thrive through the application of cutting-edge digital marketing strategies. He has spent a significant amount of time learning and testing virtually every digital marketing technique available, and he is passionate about sharing his experiences, both successful and unsuccessful, with his clients.


Bryan and his team at Digital Media DFY work towards a single purpose: to help businesses grow to their fullest potential. They achieve this by providing expert marketing guidance, training, and support and by creating an environment that fosters peak performance.


Bryan emphasizes that his team not only advises but also practices the same marketing strategies in their own business on a daily basis. Above all, he values the relationships he builds with his clients more than financial gain.





Capture more leads and increase your online presence with a tailor-made website for your specific business.

As Little As $99.95/mo.

✓ Mobile friendly

✓ Fast Load Times

✓ SEO ready

✓ FREE hosting

✓ Responsive Design

✓ Search Engine Optimization

Take advantage of our Free First-Look
(.We Build it first before you commit)

We make sure your website is the Perfect customer capture tool by following three simple rules

 Converting Website Rule #1  
 (Keep the Site Simple).

We understand that most business websites fail to deliver value to their owners due to the fact that they are overly complicated and bloated. Your site will be easy to navigate, provide exactly what your customers need, and focus on calling them to action. If you want complicated and bloated we're not it.

 High Converting Website Rule #2

       (Give the People what they came for).

The secret to turning site browsers into customers is to focus on giving people what they came to the site for. We'll make sure we focus on providing: 

  • Store Hours.
  • Location.
  • Contact information.
  • Menus and/or Paperwork.
  • Tell Your Story
  • Display your staff so visitors feel like they know them.
  • Any additional information that is a must for people visiting your site.

 High Converting Website Rule #3
   (It has to Look Amazing.)

Like it or not, people judge your business based on the quality of your website. If it looks like your 16 year old nephew built your site, people are going to assume you don't pay attention to details. We'll make sure your site looks clean, professional and that it brands you as the authority that you are.


Is Your Website ready to welcome visitors to your Business and invite them to do business with you?

In today's digital world, the design and user experience of a website is crucial to the success of any business. At Digital Media DFY, we believe your website should emulate the warmth and invitation of a storefront owner greeting each visitor with a handshake and offering a personal tour. Our goal is to create an inviting and engaging website that entices visitors to do business with you.

To achieve this, we focus on creating a website design that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. By combining high-quality graphics, compelling copy, and user-friendly design elements, we ensure that your website stands out from the competition. Plus, with our responsive design, your website will look and function perfectly on any device.

But that's not all! Enhance your website further with our advanced web tool, "LEADROCKET." This powerful feature allows you to make a lasting impression on your customers by personally connecting with them, leaving them truly WOWed. Don't miss the opportunity to leave a lasting impression – ask about "LEADROCKET" today!

Transform your website into a warm, inviting, and engaging space for your visitors. Choose Digital Media DFY for high-quality professional design, user-friendly functionality, and responsive design. Contact us now to get started!